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Timing Solution Serial Number

PocketTimerPocketTimer is the timing componentof our Palm-based race-timing solution, which can be used by itself orin conjunction with the other components of for a more complete solution. Here are the features of PocketTimer:Logging of times is done on the main screen, shown at right. The persondoing race timing simply taps on the large on-screen number buttons witha stylus to record the bib# (optional) of each racer, then taps the 'Record'button to automatically record the current elapsed time. The screen features:. Continuous display of elapsed time. Continuous display of pace (if a distance has been entered for theevent). Display of the place of the upcoming racer.

A large 'Start' button to start the timing, which then changesto 'Record' to record each racer. Large number buttons to enter the Bib# of the approaching racer priorto pressing Record—easily used by inexperienced users, withoutthe need for 'Graffiti' (Palm's handwriting recognition).

Forecast Mill Library Timing Solution

A way to indicate that the entered number is uncertain (if it can'tbe read clearly). Or, the user can just tap the Record button withoutentering a bib# beforehand, and PocketTimer will record the timeand a '?' For the bib#. Simple deletion of the last entry if the Record button is hit in error,or if the user quickly realizes the racer was a bandit.


Quick swap of the last two bib#'s if a sprint to the finish changesthe order after the user had keyed in the bib #'s. Captured times can be reviewed, even while the event is in progress,by tapping on the 'Show' button.With all these features, even an inexperienced operator can achieve 99%accuracy when capturing just times alone (without bib #'s), and 90-100%accuracy when recording bib #'s along with the times. The ability to captureevery bib# obviously degrades as the event gets larger and clumps of racersfinish together, but when numbers are missed, post-race editing of theresults using the tear-off tags as a refereence easily turns this into100% accuracy with just a few minutes effort. PocketTimer has beenfield tested on races with as many as 1000 entrants.Some things are not obvious by just looking at the main screen. Thesefeatures include:. There is not an easy way to stop the timer. Timing isstopped by using a menu, so that an inexperienced operator cannot inadvertantlystop the time while the event is running.

The Palm has 'hard buttons' which allow the user to switchto the other (standard) Palm applications - Datebook, Address Book,To-Do List, and MemoPad. A user who presses one of these buttons (intentionallyor accidentally) receives a warning that they must know how to get backto where they are. Tapping on 'Don't Exit' leaves PocketTimerrunning.

An experienced user can leave the application while the timeris running, for example before the first finisher is in sight, and thenreturn to PocketTimer. PocketTimer maintains the correct timeeven when the program is not running!. The power to the Palm can be turned off while the race is in progress(before finishers appear), and then turned on.

Kumpulan Serial Number Idm

PocketTimer maintainsthe correct time even when the Palm itself is not running! Note- this applies to timing in 1.0 sec resolution mode only - see belowOnce the bib #'s and times are recorded, they can be reviewed,as shown in the screen at left. This can even be done while the eventis in progress; a continuous display of elapsed time in the event is shownin the upper right of the screen. Features of the recorded times screeninclude:. Display of finishing (or intermediate) place, bib#, time, and pace(if a distance has been entered).

Timing Solution Serial Number List

Sorting of displayed results by place, bib#, or time. Sorting by bib#makes it easy to see who has finished and who hasn't.


Quick Find - After the race, just enter the bib# of any finisherand the 'tape' scrolls so you can see that finisher's place,time, and pace. Great for satisfying those curious racers after theevent before the results are posted!. Editing of recorded information. After the race (or even during),review the bib#'s against the tear-off tags collected at the end ofthe finishing chute. The few numbers that were entered incorrectly ormissed by the user can be easily corrected or entered. In some casesyou will find an 'extra' tear-off tag for which neither anumber nor a time was recorded.

In this case, you can insert a new finisherin its proper location.Again, some features are not obvious by just looking at the screen. Thesefeatures include:. Times can be offset (up or down).